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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mode of Educations in Chiang Mai

Six years of primary education are compulsory and free for all Thai children, although there are certain small expenses for uniforms, books and writing materials.

Chiang Mai is home to five universities, Buddhist and Christian seminaries, technical colleges, four international English language schools and one German one, a large university teaching hospital and several private ones, some with nursing schools. There are also many private language schools as well as the AUA, the British Council, Australian and New Zealand centres and the Alliance Francaise.

Varee Kindergarten Chiang Mai

All this means that there are many opportunities for native English language teachers, especially if they have a university degree and teaching qualifications. Thai schools are desperate to employ English teachers but they do not give enough incentives to attract English teachers. Therefore the native English language teachers would choose to work overseas where the benefits and incentives are more lucrative.

The international schools cater for the children of ex-patriates living in Thailand and are increasingly attracting Thai children and those from neighbouring countries, whose parents want them to be educated in English. As if their children can speak English, they can communicate with the world more smoothly.

This occurs when the world becomes more globalised and English would be the common language between people.

People in Chiang Mai can learn not only in schools and universities but also by interacting with tourists. However, they hardly read or get to watch movies or documentaries. But there are certain forms of education like art exhibits in international schools that certain people of a limited age can . They are not given any choice and this is a huge disadvantage to them. The art exhibition below promotes foreign culture like Spiderman, and this would be of influence to the future generations as they would be more interested in something that is of fantasy and mystery.


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